A female cat of reproductive age, who has not been spayed, is called a queen. Queens will go into "heat" or
estrus, seasonally
-- in the spring and fall. If not mated, queens will go into heat
several times during each season because cats are induced ovulators,
meaning that they only ovulate when mated.
6 Signs That Your Cat Is In Heat
Vocalizing - Meowing and yowling, sometimes to the point of sounding as if she is in pain.
Rolling on the floor - Displaying very affectionate behavior, head-butting, rolling around on the floor and furniture.
Estrus posture - Rump in the air, her hind feet may appear to "tread" the carpet.
Moves tail to one side - Commonly seen with estrus posture.
Wants to escape - An indoor cat that suddenly wants to be outdoors at every opportunity. Related: Changes in behavior of housemate cats, or new cats appearing in the neighborhood.
Excessive licking of genital area - You may notice that her vulva is swollen or has a slight discharge. Note: If you suspect urinary problems
(also indicated by excessive licking of genital area or frequent trips
to the litter box), it is important to see your veterinarian as soon as
Note: The reproductive cycle of cats is complicated If your female cat has not been spayed, it is good to be familiar with
these common signs of heat in cats. Because cats are
induced ovulators (see above), they ovulate with each mating - same or
different male cats - which often results in pregnancy. Spaying is the
best way at this time to prevent pregnancy.