Bright ornamental plants are a great way to dress up the house during
the holidays and a dreary winter. Pet owners should be aware, however,
that many of these common plants are poisonous to pets.
Toxicity ranges from mild to severe, and the amount of plant consumed
determines how sick a pet may become. In general, gastrointestinal
upset is the most common finding, but if enough plant material is
ingested, seizures, coma or death is possible. Read this Quick Tip to
familiarize yourself with holiday poisonous plants.
Naturally curious puppies and kittens and pets may want to sample
some of the new-in-the-house greens. Dose is size-dependent, so puppies
and kittens are most often at greatest risk for plant poisonings.
Poinsettia Plant
Many people associate the
Poinsettia plant with extreme toxicity, but this is not true. In fact, it is largely an urban legend, dating back to 1919,
according to David Emery,
About.com Guide to Urban Legends. The sap of Poinsettias is considered
to be mildly toxic/irritating, and may cause nausea or vomiting if
ingested, but not death.
More about: poinsettias and pets from the Pet Poison Helpline.
Mistletoe and Holly
A couple of holiday plants, specifically
Mistletoe and
are considered to be moderately to severely toxic, and you should call
your veterinarian or poison control center immediately for specific
Lilies and Daffodils
Additionally, plant bulb kits featuring Amaryllis and other plants in
the lily family, Narcissus and other plants in the daffodil family, are
popular gift items at this time of year. Pet owners should be aware that
these plants are very toxic
for cats, and sometimes with severe symptoms of gastrointestinal signs,
cardiac arrhythmias, kidney failure, convulsions and death. Daffodils
are toxic to both dogs and cats, especially the bulbs.
Christmas Tree
Don't forget about the
Christmas tree.
Christmas trees are considered to be mildly toxic. The fir tree oils
can irritating to the mouth and stomach, causing excessive drooling or
vomiting. The tree needles are not easily digested either; possibly
causing GI irritation, vomiting, gastrointestinal obstruction or
puncture. As noted earlier, the amount of trouble depends on how much is
consumed. Many times, pets don't consume mass quantities of tree
Common Clinical Signs Seen
Signs most commonly seen with toxic plant ingestion relate to the
gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and
sometimes excessive salivation (drooling). In some cases, such as holly
berry ingestion, tremors or seizures may be seen, followed by coma and
Stay Safe - Watch Your Plants and Your Pets
Monitor your pet's interest in the plants. To be 100% safe, do not bring
toxic live plants into your home. If unsure about a plant,
look it up to check toxicity.
Monitor your pet's interest in eating plants, and place plants out of
reach. Check the plants for any signs of chewing or missing leaves. If
unsure, plastic plants are an option (with care taken not to let those
get ingested, either!).