Drinking and feeding
1. Early feeding is preferable so the animals can be observed for any
possible gastric dilation or bloat during the day. Provision of a variety
of alternative foods including bones on a regular basis adds to
environmental enrichment. An excess of resources must be provided
over the number of dogs. Protection of resources and fighting are likely
to occur where dogs perceive a shortage.
2. If dogs are fed from bowls, then each dog should have its own bowl.
Staff should be aware of the hierarchical structure in group housed
dogs and reinforce this to avoid fighting. Individual stainless steel food
bowls are preferable as they are easier to clean and sterilise.
3. Automatic drinkers have an advantage over water bowls in that they do
not spill onto the pen surface. They should be positioned at such a
height that they are not easily fouled, and cannot be used as baths. Staff
should ensure that newly arrived dogs are taught to use the drinkers.
Correct operation of the drinkers should be checked daily.
1. Waste must be removed daily.
2. Enclosures must be cleaned daily and disinfected once a week. Dogs
should be removed during hosing out and kennels should be allowed to
dry before they are returned. Disinfection should also occur before new
dogs or puppies are introduced and after an outbreak of infectious
3. Manufacturers instructions should be followed with cleaning products.
Disinfectants that are active against parvovirus should be used when
this disease occurs or is suspected.
4. Enclosures should be dried with the use of a mop or a squeegee after
cleaning, if necessary. Disinfectants should be allowed to dry on the
treated surfaces.
Exercising, contact with humans apart from normal husbandry
Human socialising with dogs (apart from normal husbandry
practices) is an extremely important feature of their existence.
Institutions must recognise that this is an important part of the
work of animal carers and must allow time for these interactions
to occur. If an institution cannot provide this interaction then it
should not consider holding dogs on its establishment.
1. Staff training is crucial. Staff should be proficient in basic handling
techniques. Care staff should know how to approach the dog steadily
and quietly make confident contact. They should frequently reward the
dog by petting and talking quietly to him/her. The staff’s demeanour
while with the animals should always be calm confident and quiet. The
aim is to establish a bond of trust with the dog so the handling is a
positive rather than a negative experience for all involved.
2. The ideal time for social interaction is during the exercise period. This
period should be either in the morning or afternoon (preferably both)
because dogs are active during these periods and tend to sleep through
the middle of the day. The minimum exercise period should be 30
minutes for healthy dogs. There should be scope for alternative forms
of interaction with dogs that are sick or in a post-operative recovery
3. Group-housed dogs should be exercised as a group. An experienced
handler should monitor dogs during exercise so that they can intervene
quickly if fighting occurs. Different groups of dogs should not be
allowed to mix. Except in breeding colonies, males and females should
not usually be grouped together unless they are de-sexed. Pairing of
desexed males and females for exercise is the combination least likely
generate challenges between animals.
4. If dogs are not actively exercised by a human the normal sequence of
events is for the dogs to investigate the exercise area for a few minutes
and then lie down. Therefore it is important to get them to participate in
chasing balls, etc. It seems as if an element of leadership is required to
get them into adequate exercise routines.
Social interaction of this kind, including games, is vital for the mental
health of the dogs involved. When dogs are purpose bred it is
important to devote additional time to human socialisation and training
of puppies during the key socialisation periods
. This should involve
puppies being handled from birth and more frequently at 6 to 10 weeks
and lead training at 10 to 14 weeks. It is important to select breeding
bitches that allow puppies to be handled.
5. The period in the exercise yard can also be a good time for each animal
to be individually groomed. This practice has two valuable functions; it
conditions the animal to human handling, a desirable situation if the
animals are handled in the project, and it enables a daily examination of
the condition and health status of the animal ie, new wounds, cuts, flea
infestations, reaction to experimental treatment, self-mutilation and
pressure sores etc. The mental well being of the animal also appears to
be enhanced by this practice. Grooming time should be additional to
exercise time.
Movement of animals from existing groups
1. Animals showing frequent aggression or those that are regularly
attacked should be removed and transferred to a group that may be
more compatible. Subordinate animals should be observed for signs of
distress. Aggressive dogs should be excluded from breeding programs.
2. Animals which are being introduced to the facility should be
quarantined and screened thoroughly for presence of infectious,
parasitic or other diseases, pregnancy or stage of seasonal cycle and
temperament before being introduced.
3. Puppies bred in the facility should be placed in groups that are based on
size with similar sized pups grouped together or with older dogs of
suitable temperament.
4. Time is needed to acclimatise the animals to a group. It is best to
introduce 1 dog at a time to the group on neutral territory and observe
the interactions for several days before bringing in the next dog. A
separate communal exercise area is ideal for introductions.
Health management
An effective protocol should be developed for management of the health of animals in
the facility, including:
• Arrangements for quarantine and veterinary examination of introduced
• Vaccination program
• Internal parasite control program
• External parasite control program
• First aid
• Arrangements for veterinary treatment of illnesses or injuries