Ascites in Dogs
Ascites, also known as abdominal effusion, is the medical term
referring to the buildup of fluid in the abdomen of a dog. This may
cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and loss of appetite. A wide variety of causes may be responsible for ascites, thus treatments vary accordingly.
The condition or disease described in this medical article can affect
both dogs and cats. If you would like to learn more about how this
disease affects cats.
Symptoms and Types
- Anorexia
- Vomiting
- Weight gain
- Weakness at times
- Signs of discomfort when the abdomen is felt
- Groaning noises when lying down
Difficulty breathing (or dyspnea) may also occur due to abdominal
swelling putting pressure on the chest, or due to a related buildup of
fluid in the space between the chest wall and lungs (referred to as
pleural effusion). Male animals sometimes show a buildup of fluid in
the scrotum or penis.
There are many causes for the occurrence of fluid buildup (or edema)
in the abdomen. Some of these include abdominal bleeding, abdominal
cancer, an inflammation of the lining of the abdomen, a ruptured
bladder, liver damage, low levels of protein in the blood (or
hypoproteinemia), and right-sided congestive heart failure, in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs.
A medical condition known as nephritic syndrome -- where the dog has
protein in its urine and high cholesterol in its blood -- may also be
responsible for fluid buildup in the abdomen.
To diagnose ascites, an ascetic fluid evaluation is general
procedure. This involves the removal of abdominal fluid to analyze for
characteristics such as bacterial presence, protein makeup, and
bleeding. The veterinarian may also analyze the urine, or perform X-rays
and ultrasounds on the dog, to determine the cause of abdominal fluid
Diagnoses of the cause for fluid buildup in the abdomen may range from liver damage, to ruptured bladder, to right-sided congenital heart failure. Additional symptoms will help determine further diagnostic procedures.
Treatment is largely dependent on the underlying cause of the case of
ascites. If symptoms are severe and the animal is having great
discomfort, the abdomen may be tapped to remove fluid and make the
animal more comfortable. Corrective surgery may be necessary in some
cases; for example, if a tumor is present or to control abdominal
Medications are determined according to the underlying cause. For
instance, fluid buildup due to bacterial infection (known as septic
ascites) requires antibiotic therapy. It is important to note that
aggressive medication treatment with diuretics, which are used to remove
excess body fluid, may cause low levels of potassium in the blood, a
condition known as hypokalemia. This can worsen symptoms and lead to
further complications.
Living and Management
Continue to monitor symptoms and administer medications regularly, if
prescribed. Also, restrict dietary salt, as it helps control fluid
accumulation related to some causes of ascites, such as liver damage, heart failure, and low levels of protein in the blood.
Due to the fact that there are many different causes of ascites,
there is no one all-encompassing prevention method that can be
recommended. To avoid abdominal fluid buildup due to trauma, keep dogs
in confined locations, or on a leash, to prevent access to roads and
other dangerous areas where traumatic incidents may occur.