Know normals for temperature, respiration, heart rate and pregnancy in cats
What is a "normal" heart rate for your cat? How long are cats
pregnant for? Does a body temperature of 102.5F mean that your cat has a
Being familiar with what is normal and what is not helps you identify
health problems for your cat quicker. Seeing your veterinarian at the
first signs of your cat's illness is often less expensive and with a
more favorable outcome.
1. Body Temperature
Feline "normal" body temperature range is 100.5 - 102.5 Fahrenheit (38 - 39.2 Celsius).
body temperature below 100 or above 103F warrants a call to your
veterinarian. Cats may become stressed in the veterinary office (or car
ride to the office), creating a higher-than-normal body temperature
Gauging body temperature by the moistness of the
nose is not reliable. Sometimes a fever can be noticed by how warm the
ears feel, but this is also not a reliable method.
2. Respiratory Rate
16 - 40 breaths per minute
Respiratory rate is the number of breaths per minute. Normal respiratory rates are assessed when the cat is
A cat that is in pain, having heart or respiratory problems, suffering
from heatstroke, or stressed will usually have increased respiratory
rates. It is important to gauge the overall situation and condition of
the animal to assess the respiratory rate.
3. Heart Rate
120-140 beats per minute
When stressed,
heart rates will increase. This will normalize as the cat calms down in
healthy animals. Cats that suffer from heart conditions (cardiomyopathy)
or diseases such as hyperthyroidism will have increased heart rates --
over 200 beats per minute in some cases.
4. Duration of Pregnancy
On average, feline pregnancy lasts 63 days, but can vary from 57 to 69 days.
5. Number of Teeth
Kittens have 26 teeth
Adult cats have 30 teeth
Kittens usually lose their deciduous (baby) teeth by 6 months of age, which are replaced by the adult teeth.