The average home contains many possible poisons for pets
and children. Properly storing and locking up hazardous items is the
first step to preventing accidental poisonings. An important thing to
remember for pets: many won't hesitate to chew through child locking
caps and "safe" containers. Here is a list, in no particular order, of
some common toxins to be aware of to protect accidental ingestion by
your pet (or children).
1. Foods and Food Additives
Probably one of the most common known "food toxins" for pets is chocolate, but there are many others. Foods to keep away from pets include, but are not limited to: raisins and grapes and products containing xylitol (an artificial sweetener).
Don't Miss:
- Foods Toxic to Pets
Including chocolate, raisins and grapes, macadamia nuts, yeast bread dough and more.
- Pet Safety Tips
Learn about toxic foods, poison prevention and other household hazards to be aware of to keep your pets safe.
2. Human Medications
by Getty Images/Michael Matisse

One of the most common household poisons are medications
- either discovered by the pet or purposely administered by the owner.
Everyone is familiar with the "Keep out of reach of children" warnings,
but may underestimate their pets. Pets have an advantage over children
-- their strong jaws and teeth can chew through many "child safe"
Prescription or over-the-counter medications should not
be given to pets (unless directly advised by your veterinarian);
accidental poisonings, especially from NSAIDs (e.g. Advil®, Aleve® and
Motrin®), acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) and antidepressants (e.g.
Effexor®, Cymbalta®, Prozac®) are very common.
3. Plants and Trees
by steakpinball on Flickr

and other beautiful plants and trees that adorn our homes and yards may
also be deadly poison if ingested or even chewed upon. It is wise to
confine pets from known poisonous plants if possible. Most county
extension offices or gardening societies in your area will be able to
assist you in selecting safe plants for your geographic area and
Don't Miss:
4. Pest Control Baits and Poisons
by Getty / Stockbytes

Rat and mouse poisons and any other baits, such as slug and snail bait should be used with
extreme caution in a household with pets.
These items are
-- they are made to entice animals to eat. Hiding the box behind the
cupboard is not guaranteed safe, either. Pets have been known to move
furniture or items to reach poisons. Also, other animals or events may
move the poison into easy reach.
5. Flea and Tick Treatments
Image © Center for Disease Control (CDC)

one wants to deal with fleas and ticks and all of the problems they
present. However, in the effort to rid your pet of these parasites,
caution is advised -- these treatments are also toxins (designed to kill
the parasites)! Used at the recommended dosages and protocols,
pesticides should be safe for the animals that they are intended to be
used on.
A common mistake is to apply dog topicals to cats. Cats
may also suffer toxic exposure by being close to or licking other pets
who have had topicals applied.
Using more of the product or
not following product recommendations is NOT the way to kill more fleas
and ticks; it may seriously harmful or fatal for your pet.
6. Lawn and Garden Herbicides and Pesticides
Image credit: mikebaird on Flickr

Use of products on lawns and gardens to control insects and weeds is common for many households. These chemicals are
intended for use on animals, so be sure to allow for proper drying time
in the area before releasing pets to roll in, eat, or otherwise have
contact with treated areas and plants. Store all containers in safe
areas and dispose of empty containers safely.
Many fertilizers
cause gastrointestinal upset. Some may be combined with pesticides
and/or herbicides, which can be harmful or fatal to pets.
If at
all possible, it is best reduce or eliminate the use of yard chemicals.
Check with local pest and garden centers -- many now offer non-toxic,
organic alternatives for pest and weed control.
7. Household Cleaners and Chemicals
by Getty Images / Nichola Evans

used to clean the house, do laundry and dishes, maintain pools and hot
tubs, and maintenance products such as paints and lubricants all pose a
risk to curious or bored pets.
Never assume that because the
product is in a spray bottle or can that it is "safe." Newer products
will have safety information about the product, often with a phone
number to call in the event of ingestion or exposure.
8. Antifreeze (Ethylene glycol)
by evelynishere on Flickr
Antifreeze is a deadly poison.
Even if you aren't a mechanic working on cars in the driveway, cars may
leak this fluid at any time of the year. It is a bright green-yellow
liquid that is sweet to the taste, attracting pets. One swallow may be
lethal for small animals.
A safer alternative is
propylene glycol.
note: this article has been provided for informational purposes only.
If your pet is showing any signs of illness, please consult a
veterinarian as quickly as possible.