Clinical Signs of Iron Toxicity
Because iron poisoning affects
the cardiovascular, metabolic, liver, nervous and gastrointestinal
systems, many signs are seen. Most often, the gastrointestinal signs
present first, since this is the usual route of toxicosis (animals
eating iron-containing items).
● Vomiting
● Diarrhea
● Lethargy
● Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
● Abdominal pain
● Shock
● Tremors
Between 6 and 24 hours post-ingestion, some animals may
appear to recover, only to get worse. Some animals may see
gastrointestinal obstruction as late as 6 weeks post-ingestion due to
strictures forming after the massive mucosal injury resulting from the
cellular damage from iron.
Treatment for Iron Toxicity
Time is critical. If you suspect that your pet has eaten iron-containing items, please seek veterinary care immediately.
Activated charcoal should not be used - it does not bind iron to
deactivate the toxin. If early, and the patient is asymptomatic (just
consumed the items), vomiting is induced to remove the pills or items
from the stomach. Caution is advised though - if gastric damage (i.e.
bloody vomit) is present, vomiting is
not indicated.
Your veterinarian may need to perform gastric lavage (flushing) or
surgery to remove the iron sources. Lavage is not indicated if the
patient has bloody vomiting. This may increase risk of gastric
Additional supportive care - IV fluids, gastro-protective
medications, anti-vomiting medications and chelation (binding) agents as