Manager, Dr. Gabriel Mkilema Shirima is
managing and supervising animal vaccines production in Tanzania. He is a
PhD holder from Sokoine University of agriculture (SUA). He has
conducted several consultancies in Tanzania and International on major
areas that includes training of trainers and community vaccinators on
Newcastle disease vaccine, zoonoses and development of farmer’s poultry
manual. Of these were conducted in Manyara region (under KYEEMA
Foundation), Zanzibar (under ASDP-L, Zanzibar), Lesotho (under
KYEEMA/GALvemd) and Dar es Salaam (Research Into Use-DFID). He has
served at a capacity of Principal Veterinary Research Officer
(PVRO)-Bacterial zoonoses, Research assistant and veterinary tutor in
different institutions.
TVI deals with the following activities
• Technological development of biologicals, reagents and vaccines production
• Coordinate and collaborate with other veterinary vaccine producing laboratories
• Develop vaccine evaluation techniques
necessary for prevention and control of diseases with respect to human
health, animal welfare and national, regional and international trade.
Determine and certify other veterinary vaccine laboratory’s capability to produce specific vaccines