Lumpy jaw is a disease that produces permanent hard swellings on the jaw bones of cattle. These lumps are found mostly in the molar teeth and can affect both the upper and lower jaw. The causative organism of Lumpy jaw can also enter the open wounds in the mouth. The situation can become worse with large swellings in the mouth of the cattle.
Lumpy jaw is also known as The name of the disease comes from the appearance of the mouth with swellings inside.
Causative Organism
Lumpy jaw is caused by a fungus called Actinomyces bovis. This microbe can live without oxygen. The fungus enters the lining of the mouth while cattle feed. While chewing rough forage, small wounds or cuts may develop inside the mouth – this makes the animal more susceptible to the fungal microbes. The chance of spreading this disease from one animal to another is rare, but is possible.
Common Symptoms
- Lumps are formed on the joints inside the mouth
- The tissues inside the mouth become sift and swollen
- There might be a presence of yellow pus in the swollen areas
- Nearby areas of the mouth might be affected which may cause chewing to become very difficult and painful for the animal
- Cattle may lose teeth irregularly
- A gradual weakness can be seen in the affected cattle as they avoid eating
- Difficulty in breathing
The causative organism of lumpy jaw can be found in the mouth of healthy animals. The microbe can only cause the infection if it can enter through a wound or cuts. If by some way or the other, the affected jaws are cut – then the pus might spread to unaffected areas. The danger with lumpy jaw is that it might go undetected up to an advanced stage.
The affected areas are treated with iodine solutions. Antibiotics such as Tetracyclines also might be used. With effective treatment and quick diagnosis, the cost of medical expenses is significantly reduced.
Vaccines & Prevention
Currently there is not a vaccine meant to prevent future instances of Lumpy jaw. The best way to prevent the disease is to recognize the symptoms and cull the infected animal from the others.