Prevention requires decreasing dietary potassium to 0.6-1.1% total potassium concentration and increasing renal losses of potassium. High-potassium feeds such as alfalfa hay, brome hay, canola oil, soybean meal or oil, sugar molasses, and beet molasses should be avoided. Optimally, later cuts of timothy or bermuda grass hay; grains such as oats, corn, wheat, and barley; and beet pulp should be fed in small meals several times a day. Regular exercise and/or frequent access to a large paddock or yard are also beneficial. Pasture is ideal for horses with HyPP because the high water content of pasture grass makes it unlikely that horses will consume large amounts of potassium in a short period of time. Complete feeds for horses with HyPP are commercially available. For horses with recurrent episodes even with dietary alterations, acetazolamide (2-4 mg/kg, PO, bid-tid) or hydrochlorothiazide (0.5-1 mg/kg, PO, bid) may be helpful. Breed registries and other associations have restrictions on the use of these drugs during competitions. |