There are numerous reasons for why pet owners would like to prevent pregnancy in their pets.
There are numerous reasons for why pet owners would like to prevent
pregnancy in their pets. It is a common concern, and there are ways to
perform a safe pregnancy termination if your dog has become pregnant. If
you are considering ending a pregnancy in your dog, it is recommended
that you first seek the advice and assistance of a medical professional,
so that a full risk and side effects evaluation can be done.
On the other hand, it is also important to note that dogs can
experience spontaneous abortions or miscarriages for a variety of
medical reasons. Both situations will be covered here.
Symptoms and Types
If your dog has experienced a spontaneous abortion, the most common
thing you may notice is abnormal vaginal bleeding; in some cases an
expelled fetus may be found. The most common cause of a spontaneous
abortion is fetal death due to a hormonal imbalance.
In the case of a planned abortion, bleeding is the most common
symptom following the procedure. It is advised that you closely monitor
your dog so that any side effects or health related issues can be
responded to quickly.
An ultrasound machine can detect a pregnancy in a dog. In addition,
the ultrasound of a fetus is usually necessary before many health care
providers will agree to a medical abortion. Doppler-type instruments can
also be used to hear a fetus' heartbeat if the pregnancy is far enough
For owners who are looking for safe options to either prevent an
unwanted pregnancy or terminate a possible pregnancy, there are several
medical alternatives to consider. To permanently prevent pregnancy in
dogs, spaying (ovariohysterectomy) is the best option. For pregnancy
termination, these are the most common medical options:
Injectable Estrogens- A medical professional can administer
these to prevent a pregnancy. The estrogen must be injected shortly
following copulation to be effective. However, there are several
potential side effects to take into consideration, including bone marrow
suppression and pyometra (i.e., infection of the uterus).
Oral Estrogens - These are not recommended because they are ineffective and may cause pyometra in animals.
Prostaglandin F2 alpha - This is a natural hormone that has
shown to induce a safe abortion for pets when monitored by a health
professional. Most side effects are often mild, if present at all. Some
of the drug's known side effects include panting, trembling, nausea and
Dexamethasone - This is also a viable option to induce an
abortion for pets. The injection is usually followed by such side
effects as panting, excessive drinking (polydispia) and urination
Living and Management
It is important to note that despite the myths surrounding the
method, postcoital douches do not effectively terminate an unwanted
pregnancy in pets. Following both a planned and spontaneous abortion,
there can be a great deal of discomfort and/or some vaginal bleeding or
abnormal discharge. Pet owners should carefully observe the behavior of
their animals to ensure more serious problems do not develop as a